Exceptional Services

We’re Here for You

North Carolina Virtual Academy (NCVA) offers exceptional children’s services to support and meet their needs, empowering them to thrive in school and beyond. With high-quality, personalized learning and the help of teachers and support staff, exceptional children can achieve their academic goals, find their confidence, and pave a path to success.

NCVA implements the MTSS framework for students who need more support or greater challenge to make academic gains.

To maintain privacy of students’ special education records, both within its central office and across school systems and databases, NCVA follows protocols consistent with the federal regulations associated with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). For additional information about the privacy and security guidelines for your child’s educational records.

Parents and children have many rights under the Exceptional Children law, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It is important that parents and children understand their rights to a free appropriate public education (FAPE). The term “appropriate” is based on the educational needs of the individual child that are outlined in the Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP is deemed a working document created by a team of educators and the family that establishes goals for a child to achieve in order to succeed.

It is the responsibility of the school to provide parents with notice of their rights in an understandable language. Parents also have a responsibility to participate in the education of their children. Parents do so by participating in meetings and giving consent to allow the school to provide the supports and services that both the parents and school agree are necessary for a child to be successful.  

Parents will be provided a copy of the state parental rights notification at least once a year and at the following events; 

  • Parent Request.
  • Annual IEP meeting.
  • Initial referral or parental request for evaluation.
  • Receipt of the first state complaint.
  • Receipt of the first due process hearing request.

Parents and guardians of students with disabilities may request professional interpreter services at any time for by contacting Stacey Bryant, Special Programs Manager.

Additionally, if any parent/ guardian has a disability or other limitation that would impact their ability to participate fully in their child’s educational planning process, NCVA would be happy to discuss accommodations that may be available to maximize the parent/ guardian’s participation. Individuals seeking to discuss accommodations for this reason may contact Stacey Bryant, ADA Compliance Coordinator.